Fellow citizens the recent call for shut down by our President is a wise decision to fight the spread of COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus disease with discipline.
We have heard about what it is. We have heard about how to prevent it from spreading further. We have heard how to deal in case of infection. We have heard where to get support. We have heard that we need to stay home and we have heard why we need to understand and follow instructions. The virus spreads like wild fire and keeps evolving. Despite having heard all of the lifesaving information, it continues to spread like wildfire.
This is a humble call to all parents, teachers, life coaches, community leaders and all of us to contribute towards clarifying messages in our circles. Preventing the widespread news of fake news from social media, WhatsApp groups and other sources.
We find ourselves in a precarious position. We are taking measures to isolate in order to protect the more vulnerable in society. We pose a danger not only to ourselves, but also to the next person. This is a moment to be selfless. Taking action could save a life, even your own.
Let us inspire hope and show initiative by doing the right thing.
Let us conquer as one.
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